New preprint! Depolarizing GABA? Place and time matter.
New manuscript in submission defining the role of GABA transmission in the neonate. The answer to the long running question of whether...
Lab awarded $1.7 million from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to understand
"By measuring the activity through the depth of the cerebral cortex and underlying thalamus, an area which is highly connected to the...
Lab awarded $2.5 million grant from National Eye Institute to study "Booster" circuits in
While we understand much about the specialized circuits that produce activity in the fetal retina, and the consequences of disruption of...

Early thalamocortical connections: Just how different are they?
Review of thalamocortical stages in sensory development
Do retinal waves correlate thalamo-cortical activity?
New results on the degree to which retinal waves correlate activity in LGN and V1.

A chronology of activity in the developing cortex: From silence to continuity
Daily changes in the activity of developing mouse cortex until postnatal day (P)24.

A cortico-thalamic 'booster' circuit amplifies and conditions weak sensory inputs to the fet
The study published today in the journal eLIFE describes a unique specialization of the fetal brain for ensuring reliable transmission of ea

Lab Awarded $1.9 Million Federal Grant to Study Activity in Cortical Networks from the National Eye
The project, titled “Emergence of Visual Alertness in Cortical Networks,” is focused on understanding how activity and circuit properties...

Lab awarded grant to study neonatal activity in Fragile X from the Clinical and Translational Scienc
With support from Children's and a gift from Dr Jack and Shirley Kaplan to George Washington University, this study is using a rat model...