2021 Riyahi P, Phillips MA and Colonnese MT. Input-independent homeostasis of developing thalamocortical activity. eNeuro
DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0184-21.2021
2021 Tikidji-Hamburyan R and Colonnese MT. Polynomial, piecewise-Linear, Step (PLS): a simple, scalable and efficient framework for modeling neurons. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2021.642933
2020 Murata Y and Colonnese MT. GABAergic interneurons excite neonatal hippocampus in vivo. Science Advances 6 (24), eaba1430
DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba1430
2020 Romagnoni A, Colonnese M, Touboul J, Gutkin B. Progressive alignment of inhibitory and excitatory delay may drive a rapid developmental switch in cortical network dynamics. J Neurophysiology 123 (5):
2018 Murata Y and Colonnese MT. Thalamus controls development and expression of arousal states in visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 38 (41) 8772-8786
2017 Colonnese MT, Shen J, and Murata Y. Uncorrelated neural firing in mouse visual cortex during spontaneous retinal waves. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
2016 Shen J and Colonnese MT. Development of activity in the mouse visual cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 36: 12259-12275
doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1903-16.2016
2016 Murata Y and Colonnese MT. An excitatory cortical feedback loop gates retinal wave transmission in rodent thalamus. eLife 2016;5:e18816
eLIFE Insight by JM Fogerson and JR Huguenard: Catching a wave. eLife 2016;5:e21236
2016 Berzhanskaya J, Phillips MA, Shen J, Colonnese MT. Sensory hypo-excitability in a rat model of fetal development in Fragile X syndrome. Sci Reports doi: 10.1038/srep30769.
2016 Berzhanskaya J, Phillips MA, Gorin A, Lai C, Shen J, Colonnese MT. Disrupted cortical state regulation in a rat model of Fragile X syndrome. Cerebral Cortex doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhv331.
2015 Pelkey KA, Barksdale E, Craig MT, Yua X, Sukumaran M, Vargish GA, Mitchell RM, Wyeth MS, Petralia RS, Karlsson RM, Cameron HA, Murata Y, Colonnese MT, Worley PF, McBain CJ. Pentraxins coordinate excitatory synapse maturation and circuit integration of parvalbumin interneurons. Neuron 85:1257-1272.
2014 Colonnese MT.
Rapid developmental emergence of stable depolarization during wakefulness by inhibitory balancing of cortical network excitability. Journal of Neuroscience 34(16): 5477-85.
2013 Chipaux M, Colonnese MT, Mauguen A, Fellous L, Mokhtari M, et al. Auditory Stimuli Mimicking Ambient Sounds Drive Temporal “Delta-Brushes” in Premature Infants. PLoS ONE 8(11): e79028. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0079028
2011 Minleabev M*, Colonnese M*, Tsintsadze T, Sirota A, Khazipov R. Early gamma oscillations synchronize developing thalamus and cortex. Science 334(6053): 226-9.
2011 Phillips MA, Colonnese MT, Goldberg J, Lewis LD, Brown EN, Constantine-Paton M. A synaptic strategy for consolidation of convergent visuotopic maps. Neuron 71(4): 710-24.
2010 Colonnese MT, Kaminska A, Minleabev M, Milh M, Lescure S, Moriette G, Chiron C, Ben-Ari Y, Khazipov R. A conserved switch in sensory processing prepares developing neocortex for vision. Neuron 67(3): 480-98.
2010 Colonnese MT and Khazipov R. 'Slow activity transients' in infant rat visual cortex: A spreading synchronous oscillation patterned by retinal waves. J Neurosci. 30(12): 4325-37.
2008 Colonnese MT, Phillips MA, Constantine-Paton M, Kaila K, Jasanoff A. Development of hemodynamic responses and functional connectivity in rat somatosensory cortex.
Nat Neuroscience 11(1): 72-9.
2006 Colonnese MT, Constantine-Paton M. Developmental period for N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-dependent synapse elimination correlated with visuotopic map refinement. J Comp Neurol 494(5): 738-51.
2005 Colonnese MT, Zhao JS, Constantine-Paton M. NMDA Receptor currents suppress synapse formation on sprouting axons in vivo. J Neurosci 25(5): 1291-303.
2003 Colonnese MT, Shi J, Constantine-Paton M. Chronic NMDA receptor blockade from birth delays the maturation of NMDA currents, but does not effect AMPA/Kainate currents. J Neurophysiol 89: 57-68.
2001 Colonnese MT, Constantine-Paton M. Chronic NMDA receptor blockade from birth increases the sprouting capacity of ipsilateral retinocollicular axons without disrupting their early segregation. J Neurosci 21: 1557-1568.
2000 Aamodt SM, Shi J, Colonnese MT, Veras W, Constantine-Paton M. Chronic NMDA exposure accelerates development of GABAergic inhibition in the Superior Colliculus.
J Neurophysiol 83: 1580-1591.
1996 Colonnese MT, Stallman EL, Berridge KC. Ontogeny of action syntax in altricial and precocial rodents: Grooming sequences of rat and guinea pig pups. Behaviour 133: 1165-1195.
2021 Colonnese MT, Y Murata, MA Phillips. A new role for visual experience in top-down cortical development. Neuron doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2021.10.012
2018 Murata Y and Colonnese MT. Thalamic inhibitory circuits and network development. Brain Research doi.org/10.1016/j.brainres.2018.10.024
2018 Colonnese MT and Phillips MA. Thalamocortical function in developing sensory circuits. Current Opinions in Neurobiology doi: 10.1016/j.conb.2018.04.019
2013 Khazipov R, Colonnese M, Minlebaev M. Neonatal Cortical Rhythms in: Neural Circuit Development and Function in the Brain. Academic Press; Eds., Rubenstein J, Rakic P.
2012 Colonnese M and Khazipov R. Spontaneous activity in developing sensory circuits: Implications for resting state fMRI. Neuroimage 62(4): 2212-21.
2004 Colonnese MT and Constantine-Paton M. NMDA Receptors and Neuronal Plasticity in: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience 3rd Edition, Eds., Adelman G, Smith BH. CD-ROM and website
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